Monday, May 30, 2011

rihanna images 2011

rihanna images 2011. Rihanna - 2011 NBA All-Star
  • Rihanna - 2011 NBA All-Star

  • Vidder
    Dec 4, 06:39 PM
    I was playing this game today and the final kill cam was of a guy getting shot who was standing in the middle of a road (where he spawned) aimed at the sky shooting at a helicopter with what looked like a Light Machine gun of some sort. The guy who shot him was in a room looking out a window. As the replay was going on i stated over the mic "now there's an intelligent player" referring to the guy who was under no cover trying to take down a chopper with a gun. The guy who was shooting at the chopper stated that he was trying to fulfill and achievement by taking the chopper down.

    I thought about this and realized that this goal/reward system in the game (this goes for most online FPS's) in a way made this player do something so stupid. The player was only looking to fulfill his own personal goals and thought nothing of the team and the loss that occurred cause of it.

    So I ask you, (the reader) does this make sense to have in the game when it forces players to go out of there way for personal goals and shift away from the overall team play?

    rihanna images 2011. Rihanna 2011 Grammys
  • Rihanna 2011 Grammys

  • dukebound85
    Mar 5, 03:40 PM
    they aren't

    rihanna images 2011. rihanna 2011 grammy.
  • rihanna 2011 grammy.

  • balamw
    Apr 27, 08:11 PM
    If you posted up the full code of your viewController, we might even be able to point you in the right direction. The more you are specific, the better we can help.

    Yup. Again, divide and conquer. If you don't want to share your entire code because it does something else, you don't want to reveal, pull out what is needed to demonstrate the problem into a test app to figure it out.

    If you post nominally compilable code you are more likely to get to your desired answers faster.


    rihanna images 2011. rihanna 2011.
  • rihanna 2011.

  • nxent
    Apr 25, 01:14 PM
    this can't happen soon enough as my 3gs is slowly dying... my volume button(s) are gone and the bottom 1/2" of the screen no longer recognizes touch input.


    rihanna images 2011. rihanna hot 2011.
  • rihanna hot 2011.

  • pivo6
    Apr 22, 10:35 AM
    All seems rather silly to me.

    Over the years, there must have been 85 threads on some type of reputation/like/thanks system and it's always been shot down (thankfully). What changed?

    I realize that this is just a test run of this "feature", but I too wonder what has changed in order to come up with a reputation system.

    rihanna images 2011. rihanna 2011 photoshoot.
  • rihanna 2011 photoshoot.

  • CaptMurdock
    Apr 23, 11:46 AM
    Unions ... undermine the free market and are ruining state budgets


    rihanna images 2011. rihanna dresses 2011. video
  • rihanna dresses 2011. video

  • bassfingers
    Apr 23, 01:17 PM
    Right. We should leave that to corporations.

    It's funny that unions are doing exactly what people are afraid corporations are doing.

    But what's even funnier, is that all the while, the unions bring us down. They ruin education, give millions of dollars to crappy candidates that are just going to repay them later by pushing crappy legislation that helps out the unions.

    They do little-to-no good for anyone, and are some of the strongest and most corrupt political machines in existence. But people are afraid of big businesses?

    grow up, and don't ask for more than you earn. It's your job to earn your money. It's not the governments job to baby you the whole way there, and its pitiful to rely on a union to make sure you get overpaid and have job security no matter how bad you are at your job

    rihanna images 2011. rihanna 2011 hairstyles.
  • rihanna 2011 hairstyles.

  • wilsonlaidlaw
    Sep 29, 09:27 AM
    Having seen pictures of the Jackling house, in my personal opinion, this is barely an architectural gem worth preserving, being a rather ugly house. I think the spanish colonial revival of the 1920's was a blind alley. I do however hope that if SJ does not want it, the famous pipe organ in the house is not scrapped and will either be donated to an organ preservation society or sold to someone who will restore and use it.



    rihanna images 2011. rihanna 2011 brits.
  • rihanna 2011 brits.

  • vincenz
    Apr 8, 12:55 PM
    I wonder what the special promotion is.

    rihanna images 2011. you dont Rihanna+2011
  • you dont Rihanna+2011

  • D1G1T4L
    Mar 17, 05:38 PM
    Actually, you said:

    Sorry, but that's the same at laughing at the people, ie, a form of being "Holier than thou." After all, what did your post add to this discussion except to say that you think you're above the comments being posted.

    Nice try at excusing yourself though, "buddy".

    If that makes you feel better I'm fine with you calling me holier than thou :D. Feel free to continue bashing the OP. I get a good laugh.


    rihanna images 2011. rihanna 2011 grammy
  • rihanna 2011 grammy

  • Sweetfeld28
    Oct 18, 10:24 AM
    Personally, i don't think this format war is very worth while to begin with. I mean Blu-Ray does seem to be the leading format, but i think i will rather wait for this Hybrid Disc to come out that uses the same Red laser that our burners already have:

    Versatile Multilayer Disc [VMD] (


    rihanna images 2011. rihanna 2011 grammy. feb
  • rihanna 2011 grammy. feb

  • themadchemist
    Jan 12, 02:12 PM
    OK, this is funny. Yes, mean, but funny.


    rihanna images 2011. rihanna 2011 grammy outfit.
  • rihanna 2011 grammy outfit.

  • jake4ever
    Apr 5, 10:00 PM
    4.2.6 required!? But I hate to update.. :(

    rihanna images 2011. Posts Tagged #39;Rihanna 2011#39;
  • Posts Tagged #39;Rihanna 2011#39;

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 15, 08:46 PM
    and FAIL.

    iphone needed nor had any competition to debut as a smash hit.

    ipad needed nor had any competition to debut as a smash hit.

    apple do stuff well and make good products because that's what the heck they frickin do!

    they dont need anything to prod them on but their own imagination. companies that innovate by imitation because they got caught with their pants down arent about better products for end users. that's why their stuff sucked in the first place.

    Yes and Palm smartphones and Blackberries never existed before the iPhone.


    rihanna images 2011. Rihanna+2011+met+costume+
  • Rihanna+2011+met+costume+

  • ilflyya
    Jan 12, 11:54 PM
    This prank lacked class and seems to be a great way to lose credibility and access to other events. I've never seen someone shoot themselves in the foot like this. Am I now supposed to believe anything they have to say? How do I know what they put out isn't a prank?

    rihanna images 2011. rihanna 2011 tour. anistons
  • rihanna 2011 tour. anistons

  • Macky-Mac
    May 6, 10:50 AM
    just what we need! more government protecting the citizenry from itself.

    you would prefer unlicensed doctors?


    rihanna images 2011. rihanna 2011 photoshoot. cloud
  • rihanna 2011 photoshoot. cloud

  • Ygn
    Nov 8, 02:03 PM
    I'm worried about getting banned for getting it (a few hours) early.

    I was on multiplayer earlier, you'd be surprised at how many thousands of people are already on it, via pre-orders I assume and different timezones judging by the different accents people had.

    rihanna images 2011. rihanna 2011 pictures.
  • rihanna 2011 pictures.

  • wlh99
    Apr 28, 10:08 AM
    By the way, what's with 3rd person reference? the OP? you can call me Nekbeth or Chrystian, it's a lot more polite. Maybe you guys have a way to refer to someone , I don't know.

    I appologize for that. I didn't recall your name. I was replying to KnightWRX, so I took a shorcut (original poster).

    I won't do that any further.

    I through together a simple program that I think does exactly as you want. It is a Mac version, but the different there is trival, and instead of a picker, it is a text field the user enters a time into for the timer duration. You will need to change the NSTextFields into UITextFields.

    The bulk of the code is exactly what I posted before, but I modified the EchoIt method to work with an NSDate. I implemeted it in the appDelegate, and you are using your viewController. That doesn't change the code any, and your way is more correct.

    I can email you the whole project as a zip if you want. It is about 2.5 meg. Just PM me your email address.

    // timertestAppDelegate.m
    // timertest
    // Created by Warren Holybee on 4/27/11.
    // Copyright 2011 Warren Holybee. All rights reserved.

    #import "timertestAppDelegate.h"

    @implementation timertestAppDelegate

    @synthesize window, timeTextField, elapsedTimeTextField, timeLeftTextField;

    - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
    // Insert code here to initialize your application

    -(IBAction)startButton:(id) sender {
    // myTimer is declared in header file ...

    if (myTimer!=nil) { // if the pointer already points to a timer, you don't want to
    //create a second one without stoping and destroying the first

    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release];
    [startDate release];

    // Now that we know myTimer doesn't point to a timer already..

    startDate = [[NSDate date] retain]; // remember what time this timer is created and started
    // so we can calculate elapsed time later

    NSTimeInterval myTimeInterval = 0.1; // How often the timer fires.
    myTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:myTimeInterval target:self selector:@selector(echoIt)
    userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
    [myTimer retain];

    -(IBAction)cancelIt:(id) sender {
    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release]; // This timer is now gone, and you won't reuse it.
    myTimer = nil;

    -(void)echoIt {

    NSDate *now = [[NSDate date] retain]; // Get the current time
    NSTimeInterval elapsedTime = [now timeIntervalSinceDate:startDate]; // compare the current time to
    [now release]; // our remembered time

    NSLog(@"Elapsed Time = %.1f",elapsedTime); // log it and display it in a textField
    [elapsedTimeTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f",elapsedTime]];

    float timeValue = [timeTextField floatValue]; // timeValueTextField is where a user
    // enters the countdown length

    float timeLeft = timeValue - elapsedTime; // Calculate How much time is left.
    NSLog(@"Time Left = %.1f",timeLeft); // log it and display it
    [timeLeftTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f",timeLeft]];

    if (timeLeft < 0) { // if the time is up, send "cancelIt:"
    [self cancelIt:self]; // message to ourself.



    If you like, later tonight I can show you how to do this as you first tried, by incrementing a seconds variable. Or wait for KnightWRX. My concern is accuracy of the timer. It might be off by several seconds after running an hour. That might not be an issue for your application, but you should be aware of it.

    rihanna images 2011. style rihanna 2011,riahnna
  • style rihanna 2011,riahnna

  • mrgreen4242
    Jan 15, 02:26 PM
    To stick with Steve's 4 main points:
    1) Time Capsule is pretty neat, not a terrible price for what it is, either.
    2) iPhone software looks pretty nice. iPod touch update is a travesty against all mankind... I think Apple is seriously underestimating the backlash this will cause.
    3) The ATV updates are nice, price drop is decent, but not nearly enough for year old hardware with no upgrades. Software only update means HD content will be 720p24@5mbits which is pretty OK but not what I would have liked to see. 5.1 finally.
    4) Macbook Air: stupid, stupid name. Crazy insane pricing, especially when you add the SD, ethernet, remote, and modem (you really should have all those in the box at $1800). Who's going to be buying this thing? It's just so targeted at a very specific market that I can't see it being a huge success.

    As for stuff that DIDN'T get talked about:
    - No desktop updates at all. I predict Apple getting out of the consumer desktop market in the next 2-3 years. No more iMac or mini.
    - No tablet. They could have done a <$1000 multitouch 9" iSlab tablet thingy that would have been as light and thin as the Air and actually revolutionized something, but... shrug.
    - iTunes subscription. Now that they have a self destructing DRM scheme in Fairplay I expected a subscription for TV shows, at least.

    All in all, unexciting, really.

    Oct 1, 05:44 AM
    That house was a dilapidated piece of junk with little "history". The local conservationists and planning authorities had to raise hell about something to justify their existence.

    BTW - there are not that many large plots in the area. Steve earned the money - he bought the property - get the clods out of the way.

    The US had and has no concept of allodial title for private persons. Neither does the State of California. There appears to be a revisionist movement in the US when it comes to the history of property rights, physical and intellectual.

    Dec 25, 04:41 PM
    Yes they do. BUT not when it means a crap ass experience for the customer. Because that just results in returns, complaints etc. LTE right now is only in a handful of major cities and not even perfect coverage there.

    Verizon's LTE covers about as many people now, as AT&T's 3G did back when the iPhone 3G came out.

    Apple is not just about pro-user experience. They also make decisions based on saving money (no 3G chip at first) and gaining market access (disabling WiFi for China at first).

    My understanding is that LTE is a whole new language, totally different from both CDMA and GSM. So phones would be, for a time, dual chips.


    In the same way there is 4g in the sense of 4th generation which is an improvement over the 3rd generation. and 4g which is 4th generation AND a particular minimum level of speed etc. And so say the naysayers, many folks saying '4g' mean the former and not the latter.


    Jan 9, 12:12 PM
    The only thing I care about seeing is an update to the Mac Book Pro.

    But really, has anyone even heard anything about it being updated? All I've heard is that people assume it will be. Does anyone know for sure?

    Apr 9, 01:16 PM
    Ahh, I didn't realize it was intended that long ago. Now that it is an open standard, though, Adobe shouldn't really have much say in it now, right?

    As we've all read a lot about recently, open standard is not open source. I'm sure Adobe and Microsoft have an arrangement.

    Mar 17, 10:28 PM
    Wow, so so jealous? Well, we'll be able to laugh at them when the iPhone 5 comes around as well.

    Best thing to do is to ignore these people.

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