Monday, May 30, 2011

sad quotes about death

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  • the.snitch
    Jan 5, 08:53 PM
    Thanks arn, this is exactly what I wanted :)

    On keynote days, i generally set my homepage to the appleevents page, and make sure I dont go to any other sites that day. Then I just wander over to my local starbucks high speed hotspot in downtown auckland and watch the whole stream in H.264 :cool:

    I hate finding out what will be released until after i have seen the keynote - Its like someone killing a movie for you, by telling you the twists just before you go see it. This way it's fresh, and you listen to Jobs' every word with anticipation

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  • bmustaf
    Dec 13, 05:07 PM
    I'm not buying it (either in terms of the story, or in terms of a supposed hybrid phone if it does make it to market).

    The baseband chipsets don't exist as mass market components (either in supply or feature set).

    If they did, they'd suck down battery faster than you could keep the damn thing charged. I think it is pretty clear where Apple plays - technology that is applicable, relevant, and usable.

    I don't think 4G is there yet, unless Qualcomm et al are hiding some major hybrid CDMA/LTE chipsets (the LTE-only chipsets themselves are power hogs - why do you think VZW hasn't rolled out handsets, they've limited 4G use to people hooking USB cards into a 3000mAh battery that can feed that 500mAh - 1000mAh draw).

    Battery technology is getting better, and the chipsets are getting better, but not in time for a device in January. Maybe I'll eat crow, but I doubt it. If this happens (and it might), it's not going to be a great device that everyone is expecting (read: keep the 4G radio off and use it as a CDMA iPhone 4) or it's simply not going to exist. It's possible VZW needed a retort to ATT's simultaneous voice & data ploy so they included it to check that off the list and the phone will stick to EVDO for nearly everything...but the EVDO<->LTE carrier handoff isn't transparent (far worse than EDGE<->3G), so that is a usability issue in and of itself that I think Apple would not like. (

    MacDailyNews reports ( that it has received information from a "source that we believe to be credible" regarding management training for the Verizon iPhone offered by the company last week. According to the report, the Verizon iPhone will launch immediately after Christmas and is in fact an LTE 4G device.The report also claims that the Verizon iPhone is already shipping to Verizon warehouses, and the carrier will maintain control over all stock until launch in order to control information leaks.

    Finally, the source indicates that the iPhone 5 was intended to be LTE-only at its debut next summer, but Steve Jobs and Apple are upset that the carriers are not building out their LTE infrastructure quickly enough to make that happen.

    Verizon's 4G network launched last week ( for mobile broadband customers, but the carrier noted that it does not expect to debut 4G-capable handsets until the middle of next year.

    MacDailyNews is not a frequent source of rumors, and has a mixed record on the information it has published in the past. In addition, we are skeptical that Apple had ever seriously planned for the fifth-generation iPhone 5 to be "LTE-only", given that even the most aggressive LTE build-out schedules from the carriers have long planned for it to be several years before their entire networks are upgraded to the standard. In fact, other sources ( have indicated that the fifth-generation iPhone won't support LTE at all, a move which would follow Apple's precedent with not supporting 3G in the original iPhone as it waited for greater availability and more advanced technology for utilizing the standard.

    Consequently, we are publishing this rumor on Page 2 for interest and discussion.

    Article Link: 4G Verizon iPhone to Debut After Christmas? (

    sad quotes about death. sad quotes about death. sad quotes about death; sad quotes about death. maclaptop. May 4, 09:17 AM. As many have accurately stated,
  • sad quotes about death. sad quotes about death; sad quotes about death. maclaptop. May 4, 09:17 AM. As many have accurately stated,

  • g33
    Apr 16, 08:54 AM
    ugly as fook

    i bet its a fake

    sad quotes about death. sad quotes about death.
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  • anonymous guy
    May 2, 11:38 AM
    will the CDMA iPhone finally get an upgrade on time, or are they forever stuck in 4.2 fragmentation limbo?


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  • Edge100
    Oct 23, 12:26 PM
    New investments in technologies and products would be by far the best use of the money. With Apple's cash, they could set up a research arm similar to Xerox PARC or the old Bell Labs and place themselves in the forefront of new technology for a long time. Instead, they seem to be notably stingy with their R&D dollars. Purchasing technologies by buying out smaller companies could also be advantageous, and Apple does do some of this, but not much -- not enough to make even a dent in their cash hoard.

    I'm not so sure that Apple needs to re-invent the wheel all the time. It seems to me that Apple is (historically) pretty good at introducing new features, long before other PC manufacturers.

    While I agree that a dedicated research arm could, in the long term, create a lot of great, innovative products and technologies, I think they have the possibility, if not properly run, to become cash cows that produce little or nothing of any profit-making value. Researchers have a way of remaining focused on research, not profits.

    I still think that buying up other small, but influential companies such as Digidesign would be a great thing for Apple. Think of all the products that Apple currently sells that were bought, rather than developed in-house:

    Final Cut Pro
    Logic (and, by extension, Garageband)

    Heck, even MacOS X was, in many ways, 'bought' rather than developed by Apple.

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  • Death, goodbye, Life quotes,

  • Mr.damien
    May 2, 02:31 AM
    This suck, it was a really good improvement. Sad to see that Apple is stepping back listening to old people over here that can't change their habits ...


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  • leekohler
    Apr 17, 09:24 AM
    You completely missed the point. Let me be more specific for comprehension purposes. There is no way to teach the persecution of all peoples throughout the history of our planet with the way the school system is today. So where should the line be drawn? You never answered the question. Do gays deserve more attention than say slavery or the holocaust? It appears to me that you feel that a select few individuals, that may have been gay, deserve more attention than the plight of entire civilizations or race of people?

    No one is saying it is, except for you. Nothing is being placed above anything else. There is no order of importance.

    And this is not ignorance. Pointing out the sexuality of a person that made a contribution to society is irrelevant. Completely and utterly irrelevant! Do people remember Einstein for being a Jew or as the father of modern physics? You would prefer he was remembered as a Jew first?

    I'd prefer he be remembered for both, as they were both part of him. It's important for gay kids, like other kids, to know there are people just like them who have done great things. They're called role models. Why that bothers you is beyond me.

    As for me afraid of learning? Don't presume anything about anyone. I can make an educated guess by your spelling and grammar that you have an education. You are intelligent. We simply view this differently.

    Yes indeed. But why we differ is puzzling to me.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 4, 11:26 AM
    Lee, my wife is a teacher. I'm quite aware of how much they make. For the record, they aren't required to have masters degrees (where do you get this stuff?). Most importantly, without thuggish unions, good teachers like my wife would make far more money than they do today, while the bad ones would make less or be fired. Good riddance. Our students deserve better. If you can't hack it, get another job.

    Yeah....I know enough about the inner workings of how teachers are paid and how all that works to call BS on what you saying. Give you an idea of how I know fair amount of inner workers is my brother is becoming a teacher and he is the 6th or 7th generation teacher so teaching runs in the family.
    Chances are with out the union you wife would be MAKING LESS not more. Most teachers are good. You have a very small handful that are bad but they are the ones that make the news because yes it is hard to get them out but at the same time those rules got put in place because the administration would really abuse their power.
    The bad teachers you hear about but the large number of good ones never are talked about.

    Pay for teachers is pretty much crap and they are not paid enough for what they have to put up with or the hours they have to put in. This goes double for any teachers in Math or Science were their pay is well below what they would in industry.

    Master degree part what Lee made the mistake on involves a requirement to teach any class that can go on to a 4 year university and that is for accreditation n reasons.


    sad quotes about death. sad quotes about death. sad quotes about life and; sad quotes about life and. ducttape. Dec 18, 09:24 PM. The introduction of the Macintosh in 1984 by Steve
  • sad quotes about death. sad quotes about life and; sad quotes about life and. ducttape. Dec 18, 09:24 PM. The introduction of the Macintosh in 1984 by Steve

  • Apple Expert
    Apr 25, 12:03 PM
    Who cares! Give me the next iPhone now. :D

    sad quotes about death. sad quotes about death.
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  • getalifemacfans
    Jan 9, 01:35 PM
    Always. Kind of hoping that they would come back with some definitive info.

    I just saw that his screen name was "getalifemacfans". Definitely a Positive influence. ;)

    ok look a this.
    it dont have 3 g
    it dont have mms
    you cant send messages to more then one at a time.
    you cant drag over music in itunes you have to put it on list who must syncronise(not the biggest problem)
    it is not possible to download contacts from sim
    its more difficult to call,set up contacts and so on compare to sony/nokia
    you cant connect to more then one computer(apple think youre a thief if you do?)
    But idoes haves it ups but all in all i think it sucks(i not you)..he,he

    So hopefully the next iphone will fix some of this problem ergo the statement...
    best regards:)


    sad quotes about death. sad quotes about death. sad quotes about death
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  • snberk103
    Apr 14, 06:27 PM
    Homer Simpson: Not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol must be working like a charm.

    Lisa Simpson: That�s specious reasoning, Dad.

    Homer: Thank you, dear.

    Lisa: By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.

    Homer: Oh, how does it work?

    Lisa: It doesn�t work.

    Homer: Uh-huh.

    Lisa: It�s just a stupid rock.

    Homer: Uh-huh.

    Lisa: But I don�t see any tigers around, do you?

    Homer: Lisa, I want to buy your rock.

    I do actually know the difference between causal and correlational relationships.... :D

    I will stand by my hypothesis that something that the TSA is doing is working to make hijackings less likely to happen in the USA.....

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  • ndheah
    Jan 15, 01:36 PM
    Way, way, way too much money for what you get. I was hoping they would release a simple, thinner laptop that was going to be cheap and finally compete with Dell/Gateway/HP


    sad quotes about death. sad quotes about death. sad
  • sad quotes about death. sad

  • logandzwon
    Mar 17, 09:08 AM
    what exactly is this Karma everyone speaks of? Who brings down the karma, good or bad? Is there a Karma Fairy? Karma Bunny? Karma Leprechaun?

    Karma, (in short,) is a concept explaining why some babies were born to great parents and others to bad parents. (It evolved into a concept of, be good in this life and you will be born into a good, or better life next time around.)

    sad quotes about death. Some of my favorite quotes,
  • Some of my favorite quotes,

  • scem0
    Sep 7, 11:26 PM
    Jobs in 2008 is that what i am hearing. YAY president Jobs.

    Sadly, he would be like Dennis Kucinich, a great candidate vying for much needed-change and would only get 3% of the vote :(.



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  • iBug2
    Apr 29, 02:12 PM
    And people kept telling me that OSX and iOS weren't going to merge in any meaningful manner for years ahead, if ever. Yeah right. I'd bet the one after this has them nearly fully merged and I mean towards iOS for the most part. OSX will be dumbed down to the lowest common brain cell and you won't be able to get free/open software anymore. It'll have to come through the App Store or not at all. Wait and see. That is the point I'll be moving on.

    This will happen eventually, but not just with Apple. All commercial OS's will go "closed". But not in 2-3 years, more like 10-15 or so. Your only chance for an open OS will be stuff like Linux then.

    Anyway, I've already said too much. :)

    sad quotes about death. quotes for death. sad quotes
  • quotes for death. sad quotes

  • baummer
    Mar 17, 11:34 AM
    Go back and pay the balance. Explain what happened. At least try to pay what you OWE. What you've done is essentially theft, even moreso by the fact that you know how much it costs and know how much you paid.


    sad quotes about death. Sad life quote 4
  • Sad life quote 4

  • SRSound
    Oct 10, 10:01 PM
    wake me up when they release a full-function smartphone/pda that runs "OS X lite" and is a fully featured phone, iPod and PDA (for iLife syncing, etc)

    sad quotes about death. sad quotes about death. TAGS: pretty sad life cubby; TAGS: pretty sad life cubby. Rodimus Prime. Mar 14, 12:21 AM
  • sad quotes about death. TAGS: pretty sad life cubby; TAGS: pretty sad life cubby. Rodimus Prime. Mar 14, 12:21 AM

  • Shannighan
    Apr 8, 09:42 AM

    Return that. I'll send you my BD for free.

    EDIT: Actually I just saw you are in Germany, you can still have it if you pay shipping, but I don't know if it will work because of country restrictions...

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  • shen
    Oct 19, 04:50 PM
    I'm sure you could -- go ahead, try me. :)

    With each and every release of a new OS (going back beyond Windows), Microsoft has made hyperbolic claims about how good it was going to be. As anyone who's followed this for a while knows, Microsoft's claims rarely live up to reality. The fact is, a lot of people never even bothered to get onto the XP bandwagon. Do you think they're going to be excited about Vista? Unfortunately for Microsoft, their "good enough" philosophy also works for a lot of their customers. They're used to not being motivated by newer and theoretically better. As you admit, the first version of Vista is going to be a dog, just as the first versions of 95, 98 and XP were. People do learn that the risks can outweigh the benefits. My attitude detector reports that hardly anybody cares about Vista.

    All that being said, Microsoft will sell a zillion copies of Vista. Most of those will be through the OEM pipeline. The OEMs will buy it because they don't have a choice. This is how each and every version of Windows has become a "success." It's Microsoft's dirty little secret.

    vista has zero buzz. i have been in this industry for a little too long, and generally a new win OS creates three specific attitudes in people:

    1) the gamers/geeks "this will be the greatest thing ever! have you seen all the cool (insert useless feature here) and can you imagine what games will be able to do on this thing?!?"

    2) the average person "i don't know, they say it won't crash, and last week i lost everything when (insert virus name here) hit me and this one is supposed to be better about that stuff."

    3) the IT department "we will not be installing any of this platform until it has been tested for compatibility and security for our environment. maybe a year."

    so far on Vista, the gamers have made a few "maybe it will be good" comments. the average joe hasn't said word one. the IT depts i know all have said they won't touch it with a 10 meter cattle prod.

    but we have a 4th user, the MS diehard who is running the beta and RC stuff and keep trying to work up enthusiasm. and nobody cares.

    but as you point out, they WILL sell million of copies. all OEM. if they didn't have their OEM channel so locked down with anti-competative measures, they would have perished after that dog release of windows ME......

    Apr 26, 09:24 PM
    Update **

    It now works !! that logic will help me a lot with future projects.

    thanks wlh99 and to everyone who contribute.

    Nov 16, 04:33 PM
    Nope. Wouldn't put the store down at 5:30 pm on a Thursday (EST) for maintenance. My money is on either a major failure (unlikely) or a PRODUCT(RED) MacBook.


    Or, come to think of it, Quad Core Mac Pros.

    awe dude now ive gotta stay up and find out! (its 10:30pm UK time!)

    May 4, 04:04 PM
    If you asked a parent, they might call it intuitive. If you asked a musician, they might call it inspiring. To a doctor, it's groundbreaking. To a CEO, it's powerful. To a teacher, it's the future. If you asked a child, she might call it magic. And if you asked us, we'd say it's just getting started.

    To a user in a bright environment, it's a glare.

    Apr 5, 05:39 PM
    Not currently available in the UK Store...

    Apr 30, 01:32 PM
    I like the buttons as well and Apple knows that you still need to design for the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator) purchasing the product.

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