10-08 12:40 AM
Here's another article on the same issue: http://www.financialexpress.com/news/expats-will-have-to-make-pf-payments-in-india/358603/1
To sum it up:
Everyone working in India for any length of time will have to contribute 24% towards EPF. This contribution cannot be withdrawn or tranferred to another country unless a totalization agreement exists between that country and India. Previously non-resident Indians and foreigners were either not required to make this contribution or allowed to withdraw it upon leaving India.
My reading is that this has no impact on people who do not work in India. It will reduce net pay for citizens of countries without totalization agreements with India, specially because the EPF contribution in India applies to total gross pay without any upper limit.
To sum it up:
Everyone working in India for any length of time will have to contribute 24% towards EPF. This contribution cannot be withdrawn or tranferred to another country unless a totalization agreement exists between that country and India. Previously non-resident Indians and foreigners were either not required to make this contribution or allowed to withdraw it upon leaving India.
My reading is that this has no impact on people who do not work in India. It will reduce net pay for citizens of countries without totalization agreements with India, specially because the EPF contribution in India applies to total gross pay without any upper limit.
wallpaper A lightning bolt—behind the
06-22 08:50 PM
Hi friends,
thanq so much for the suggestions.Now i have decided not to change my last name until i get my greencard in my hand.Hope everything goes fine .
thanq so much for the suggestions.Now i have decided not to change my last name until i get my greencard in my hand.Hope everything goes fine .
05-30 12:27 PM
Here we go again....the never ending bad news loop for immigrants (to be)
E. Summary of Final Fees
The USCIS Immigration and Naturalization Benefit Application and
Petition Fee Schedule, the proposed fees, and the final fees
established by this rule are summarized in the attached table.
Current Proposed
Form No. Description fees fees Final fees
I-90.................................. Application to Replace Permanent $190 $290 $290
Resident Card.
I-102................................. Application for Replacement/ 160 320 320
Initial Non-immigrant Arrival-
Departure Record (I-94).
I-129................................. Petitions for a Nonimmigrant 190 320 320
I-129F................................ Petition for Alien 170 455 455
I-130................................. Petition for Alien Relative...... 190 355 355
I-131................................. Application for Travel Document.. 170 305 305
I-140................................. Immigrant Petition for Alien 195 475 475
I-191................................. Application for Advance 265 545 545
Permission to Return to
Unrelinquished Domicile.
I-192................................. Application for Advance 265 545 545
Permission to Enter As a
I-193................................. Application for Waiver of 265 545 545
Passport and/or Visa.
I-212................................. Application for Permission to 265 545 545
Reapply for Admission into the
United States After Deportation
or Removal.
I-360................................. Petition for Amerasian, 190 375 375
Widow(er), or Special Immigrant.
I-485................................. Application to Register Permanent 325 905 930
Residence or Adjust Status.
I-526................................. Immigrant Petition by Alien 480 1,435 1,435
I-539................................. Application to Extend/Change 200 300 300
Nonimmigrant Status.
I-600/I-600A.......................... Petition to Classify Orphan as an 545 670 670
Immediate Relative/Application
for Advance Processing or Orphan
I-601................................. Application for Waiver of Grounds 265 545 545
of Inadmissibility.
I-612................................. Application for Waiver of the 265 545 545
Foreign Residence Requirement.
I-687................................. For Filing Application for Status 255 710 710
as a Temporary Resident.
I-690................................. Application for Waiver of 95 185 185
I-694................................. Notice of Appeal of Decision..... 110 545 545
I-695................................. Application for Replacement 65 130 130
Employment Authorization or
Temporary Residence Card.
I-698................................. Application to Adjust Status from 180 1,370 1,370
Temporary to Permanent Resident.
I-751................................. Petition to Remove Conditions on 205 465 465
I-765................................. Application for Employment 180 340 340
I-817................................. Application for Family Unity 200 440 440
I-824................................. Application for Action on an 200 340 340
Approved Application or Petition.
I-829................................. Petition by Entrepreneur to 475 2,850 2,850
Remove Conditions on Residence.
I-881................................. NACARA--Suspension of Deportation 285 285 285
or Application for Special Rule
Cancellation of Removal.
I-914................................. Application for T Nonimmigrant 270 0 0
N-300................................. Application to File Declaration 120 235 235
of Intention.
N-336................................. Request for Hearing on a Decision 265 605 605
in Naturalization Procedures.
N-400................................. Application for Naturalization... 330 595 595
N-470................................. Application to Preserve Residence 155 305 305
for Naturalization Purposes.
N-565................................. Application for Replacement of 220 380 380
Naturalization Citizenship
N-600................................. Application for Certification of 255 460 460
N-600K................................ Application for Citizenship and 255 460 460
Issuance of Certificate under
Section 322.
Biometric Services............... 70 80 80
E. Summary of Final Fees
The USCIS Immigration and Naturalization Benefit Application and
Petition Fee Schedule, the proposed fees, and the final fees
established by this rule are summarized in the attached table.
Current Proposed
Form No. Description fees fees Final fees
I-90.................................. Application to Replace Permanent $190 $290 $290
Resident Card.
I-102................................. Application for Replacement/ 160 320 320
Initial Non-immigrant Arrival-
Departure Record (I-94).
I-129................................. Petitions for a Nonimmigrant 190 320 320
I-129F................................ Petition for Alien 170 455 455
I-130................................. Petition for Alien Relative...... 190 355 355
I-131................................. Application for Travel Document.. 170 305 305
I-140................................. Immigrant Petition for Alien 195 475 475
I-191................................. Application for Advance 265 545 545
Permission to Return to
Unrelinquished Domicile.
I-192................................. Application for Advance 265 545 545
Permission to Enter As a
I-193................................. Application for Waiver of 265 545 545
Passport and/or Visa.
I-212................................. Application for Permission to 265 545 545
Reapply for Admission into the
United States After Deportation
or Removal.
I-360................................. Petition for Amerasian, 190 375 375
Widow(er), or Special Immigrant.
I-485................................. Application to Register Permanent 325 905 930
Residence or Adjust Status.
I-526................................. Immigrant Petition by Alien 480 1,435 1,435
I-539................................. Application to Extend/Change 200 300 300
Nonimmigrant Status.
I-600/I-600A.......................... Petition to Classify Orphan as an 545 670 670
Immediate Relative/Application
for Advance Processing or Orphan
I-601................................. Application for Waiver of Grounds 265 545 545
of Inadmissibility.
I-612................................. Application for Waiver of the 265 545 545
Foreign Residence Requirement.
I-687................................. For Filing Application for Status 255 710 710
as a Temporary Resident.
I-690................................. Application for Waiver of 95 185 185
I-694................................. Notice of Appeal of Decision..... 110 545 545
I-695................................. Application for Replacement 65 130 130
Employment Authorization or
Temporary Residence Card.
I-698................................. Application to Adjust Status from 180 1,370 1,370
Temporary to Permanent Resident.
I-751................................. Petition to Remove Conditions on 205 465 465
I-765................................. Application for Employment 180 340 340
I-817................................. Application for Family Unity 200 440 440
I-824................................. Application for Action on an 200 340 340
Approved Application or Petition.
I-829................................. Petition by Entrepreneur to 475 2,850 2,850
Remove Conditions on Residence.
I-881................................. NACARA--Suspension of Deportation 285 285 285
or Application for Special Rule
Cancellation of Removal.
I-914................................. Application for T Nonimmigrant 270 0 0
N-300................................. Application to File Declaration 120 235 235
of Intention.
N-336................................. Request for Hearing on a Decision 265 605 605
in Naturalization Procedures.
N-400................................. Application for Naturalization... 330 595 595
N-470................................. Application to Preserve Residence 155 305 305
for Naturalization Purposes.
N-565................................. Application for Replacement of 220 380 380
Naturalization Citizenship
N-600................................. Application for Certification of 255 460 460
N-600K................................ Application for Citizenship and 255 460 460
Issuance of Certificate under
Section 322.
Biometric Services............... 70 80 80
2011 lightning bolt tattoos.
10-24 09:29 AM
Dear Friends - I have a question and would appreciate your thoughts.
My father visited us for 6 months and I have a copy of his visa and passport notarized. What are the rest of the formalities (W7 form et al) that I should complete so I get some exemption? Or have my assumptions been wrong?
My father visited us for 6 months and I have a copy of his visa and passport notarized. What are the rest of the formalities (W7 form et al) that I should complete so I get some exemption? Or have my assumptions been wrong?
11-24 10:16 AM
Can I e-file? I read that if my I-485 application is pending and I am applying for AP separately and for the first time, then I can not e-file?
I thought e-filing is for renewals only?
Thanks to you both for providing list of docs.
I thought e-filing is for renewals only?
Thanks to you both for providing list of docs.
12-01 02:44 PM
Issues facing the 2010 lame-duck session of Congress - The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/lameduck/index.html)
1. Tax cuts
The most pressing issue in the lame-duck Congress sounds, at first glance, like a typo.
The federal government spends more money than it takes in. The two parties both agree that this is bad. Here�s what they can�t agree on: How much less should the government take in, in the years to come?
The debate is about income tax cuts, passed under President George W. Bush, which are due to expire Dec. 31. If that happens, a single person earning $46,000 a year might see his or her taxes jump $400, according to the nonprofit Tax Policy Center. A married couple earning a total of $440,000, on the other hand, might see an increase of $20,000.
Most Democrats want to extend tax cuts covering up to the first $250,000 that a family earns in a year. Republican leaders want to keep all the tax cuts, including those on income above $250,000. In a recession, they say, it doesn�t make sense to cut anyone�s taxes.
Congress and the president could agree to a temporary truce, extending all the tax cuts for a few years only. Or, as some Democrats have suggested recently, they could agree to keep tax cuts on incomes less than $1 million.
2. The New START treaty
The point of this U.S.-Russia treaty, signed but not yet ratified, is to continue the slow nuclear stand-down that has followed the Cold War. The two nations would agree to cut deployed long-range nuclear weapons by up to 30 percent and to allow each other to inspect the remaining stockpiles.
The prevention of nuclear armageddon still enjoys wide support on Capitol Hill.
But this treaty does not.
New START must be ratified by two-thirds of the Senate. That was no problem for two past treaties: the first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, signed in 1992 by President George H.W. Bush, and the �Moscow Treaty,� signed in 2003 by President George W. Bush.
But now, Sen. John Kyl (Ariz.), the chamber�s second-ranking Republican, has held up the treaty�s passage. Kyl has said he wants more guarantees that the government will properly maintain the nuclear weapons that remain. He also thinks that the lame-duck session is too short a time to consider the issue.
The White House is now trying to work around Kyl to win over nine other Republican. If it can�t, there will be more Republicans � and perhaps more support for denying Obama a foreign policy win � in January.
3. �Don�t ask, don�t tell�
This 17-year-old rule, which bars gay men and lesbians from serving openly in the military, has been under attack all year. This fall, a federal judge ruled the ban unconstitutional and ordered it scrapped. A higher court reinstated the ban while it considers the matter on appeal.
And on Tuesday, a Pentagon report concluded that ending the ban would pose a low risk to military readiness. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said that the repeal of the rule �should be done.�
But �don�t ask, don�t tell� isn�t dead yet and could outlive the lame-duck session.
Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) could bring it up for a vote on the floor this month. But the ascendant GOP is in no mood to cooperate. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says he�s still worried about the effect on morale, and other Republican leaders say the whole issue is a distraction from their top priority � job creation.
4. The �Continuing resolution�
A continuing resolution (known in Hill jargon as a �CR�) is a bill that�s introduced when Congress can�t agree on a full budget for the federal government.
Instead, it passes a bill to temporarily �continue� funding federal agencies at their present rates.
Congress must pass a new continuing resolution before Friday. If it doesn�t, the government will shut down � as it did in 1995 during a budget showdown between President Bill Clinton and congressional Republicans.
The sticking point is Republican demands to shrink federal spending back to 2008 levels. But a shutdown still seems unlikely; while a lot of voters want smaller government, very few seem to want no government.
Signs from the Hill indicate legislators will beat Friday�s deadline and pass a resolution good for another few weeks, at least.
5. Unemployment benefits
Another looming deadline. On Tuesday, emergency unemployment insurance � he federal checks given to the jobless � expired. If nothing is done to extend the benefits, advocates say as many as 3 million people will see their checks cut off by the end of January.
Some Republicans have voiced concerns about the high cost of these benefits. In the middle of last month, the House failed to approve a plan to extend them, with all but 11 Democrats voting for it and all but 21 Republicans voting against it.
6. Childhood nutrition
On Wednesday, House Democratic leaders plan to call a vote that could be a measure of the muscle they�ve got left. At issue: a bill that would feed schoolchildren better food.
If they can�t win on that, it could be a long month.
The bill is intended to give more poor children access to subsidized meals at school. It also would improve the quality of those meals and give more federal money to school districts that comply with higher nutrition standards.
�Kids that have food insecurity learn at a slower rate than their peers,� House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters Tuesday. �Food insecurity� is Washington-speak for �hunger.�
The bill passed the Senate unanimously. But it will face some Republican opposition in the House from members who say it will impose more costs on struggling school systems.
7. The DREAM Act
This bill is aimed at illegal immigrants who came to this country as children. If they go to college or join the military as adults, it would give them a chance to obtain legal residency.
As attitudes toward illegal immigrants have hardened, support for the bill has collapsed among Republicans and many Democrats. To them, it looks like a kind of amnesty for lawbreakers.
On Tuesday, Reid could promise only a �test vote� on the issue: he would bring the issue to the Senate floor, and take his chances. The implicit message was that Reid might lose � but lose in a way that showed Hispanic voters he was trying.
1. Tax cuts
The most pressing issue in the lame-duck Congress sounds, at first glance, like a typo.
The federal government spends more money than it takes in. The two parties both agree that this is bad. Here�s what they can�t agree on: How much less should the government take in, in the years to come?
The debate is about income tax cuts, passed under President George W. Bush, which are due to expire Dec. 31. If that happens, a single person earning $46,000 a year might see his or her taxes jump $400, according to the nonprofit Tax Policy Center. A married couple earning a total of $440,000, on the other hand, might see an increase of $20,000.
Most Democrats want to extend tax cuts covering up to the first $250,000 that a family earns in a year. Republican leaders want to keep all the tax cuts, including those on income above $250,000. In a recession, they say, it doesn�t make sense to cut anyone�s taxes.
Congress and the president could agree to a temporary truce, extending all the tax cuts for a few years only. Or, as some Democrats have suggested recently, they could agree to keep tax cuts on incomes less than $1 million.
2. The New START treaty
The point of this U.S.-Russia treaty, signed but not yet ratified, is to continue the slow nuclear stand-down that has followed the Cold War. The two nations would agree to cut deployed long-range nuclear weapons by up to 30 percent and to allow each other to inspect the remaining stockpiles.
The prevention of nuclear armageddon still enjoys wide support on Capitol Hill.
But this treaty does not.
New START must be ratified by two-thirds of the Senate. That was no problem for two past treaties: the first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, signed in 1992 by President George H.W. Bush, and the �Moscow Treaty,� signed in 2003 by President George W. Bush.
But now, Sen. John Kyl (Ariz.), the chamber�s second-ranking Republican, has held up the treaty�s passage. Kyl has said he wants more guarantees that the government will properly maintain the nuclear weapons that remain. He also thinks that the lame-duck session is too short a time to consider the issue.
The White House is now trying to work around Kyl to win over nine other Republican. If it can�t, there will be more Republicans � and perhaps more support for denying Obama a foreign policy win � in January.
3. �Don�t ask, don�t tell�
This 17-year-old rule, which bars gay men and lesbians from serving openly in the military, has been under attack all year. This fall, a federal judge ruled the ban unconstitutional and ordered it scrapped. A higher court reinstated the ban while it considers the matter on appeal.
And on Tuesday, a Pentagon report concluded that ending the ban would pose a low risk to military readiness. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said that the repeal of the rule �should be done.�
But �don�t ask, don�t tell� isn�t dead yet and could outlive the lame-duck session.
Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) could bring it up for a vote on the floor this month. But the ascendant GOP is in no mood to cooperate. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says he�s still worried about the effect on morale, and other Republican leaders say the whole issue is a distraction from their top priority � job creation.
4. The �Continuing resolution�
A continuing resolution (known in Hill jargon as a �CR�) is a bill that�s introduced when Congress can�t agree on a full budget for the federal government.
Instead, it passes a bill to temporarily �continue� funding federal agencies at their present rates.
Congress must pass a new continuing resolution before Friday. If it doesn�t, the government will shut down � as it did in 1995 during a budget showdown between President Bill Clinton and congressional Republicans.
The sticking point is Republican demands to shrink federal spending back to 2008 levels. But a shutdown still seems unlikely; while a lot of voters want smaller government, very few seem to want no government.
Signs from the Hill indicate legislators will beat Friday�s deadline and pass a resolution good for another few weeks, at least.
5. Unemployment benefits
Another looming deadline. On Tuesday, emergency unemployment insurance � he federal checks given to the jobless � expired. If nothing is done to extend the benefits, advocates say as many as 3 million people will see their checks cut off by the end of January.
Some Republicans have voiced concerns about the high cost of these benefits. In the middle of last month, the House failed to approve a plan to extend them, with all but 11 Democrats voting for it and all but 21 Republicans voting against it.
6. Childhood nutrition
On Wednesday, House Democratic leaders plan to call a vote that could be a measure of the muscle they�ve got left. At issue: a bill that would feed schoolchildren better food.
If they can�t win on that, it could be a long month.
The bill is intended to give more poor children access to subsidized meals at school. It also would improve the quality of those meals and give more federal money to school districts that comply with higher nutrition standards.
�Kids that have food insecurity learn at a slower rate than their peers,� House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters Tuesday. �Food insecurity� is Washington-speak for �hunger.�
The bill passed the Senate unanimously. But it will face some Republican opposition in the House from members who say it will impose more costs on struggling school systems.
7. The DREAM Act
This bill is aimed at illegal immigrants who came to this country as children. If they go to college or join the military as adults, it would give them a chance to obtain legal residency.
As attitudes toward illegal immigrants have hardened, support for the bill has collapsed among Republicans and many Democrats. To them, it looks like a kind of amnesty for lawbreakers.
On Tuesday, Reid could promise only a �test vote� on the issue: he would bring the issue to the Senate floor, and take his chances. The implicit message was that Reid might lose � but lose in a way that showed Hispanic voters he was trying.
04-15 01:35 PM
I thought it would be considered fraudulent. I don't know why they didn't wait until the L1 application was approved first before coming over - it was only a week later? It makes no sense.
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your input.
2010 Dragon with the lightning bolt

08-02 11:11 AM
Thanks for your effort. I am in.
09-27 04:34 PM
You are wrong! I am not indian, my friends from China, Sweden, Poland, Russia, Philipine, and Vietnam were there. You just did not see the pics.:D
Ras, looking at the photo at the rally, I think you got the point. Not much attended and I don't see any other nationals there.
Ras, looking at the photo at the rally, I think you got the point. Not much attended and I don't see any other nationals there.
hair lightning bolt tattoo on
07-21 01:55 AM
I worked up nerves to consult with the forum.
Please read my history and answer questions below.
Your non-judgmental and objective answers are greatly appreciated.
I first came to the US on a tourist visa when I was 15 years old.
I was out of status when my parents couldn't act fast enough to change my status. However, I faithfully maintained my status once I reentered with a student visa.
So here is the history:
Dec. 1986: Enter the US on a tourist visa (age 15)
June 1987: Out of status from the tourist visa
Sept. 1996: IIRIRA 96 passes-- 3yr./10yr. reentry bars apply effective April 1, 1997
July 1997: Obtain I-20 for school, leave the US and return to home country (age 26)
Aug. 1997: Reenter US on a F-1 visa
Oct. 00: Initial H-1B
Oct. 03: H-1B extension
Dec.04: RIR filed (priority date)
Sept.06: RIR approved
Oct. 06: H-1B (7th year) extension
Jan. 07: I-140 filed (pending approval)
July 21, 2007: Preparing to file I-485 with the same employer since 2000
So here are my questions:
Q1. The way I interpret the law is that the 3yr./10yr. reentry bars apply when the law went into effect starting April 1997. Is that correct?
Q2. If so, would I have to worry about getting the I-485 approved?
Q3. If not, should I filed for I-485 at all?
Q4. Any suggestions or possiblities to consider?
Thank you.
I worked up nerves to consult with the forum.
Please read my history and answer questions below.
Your non-judgmental and objective answers are greatly appreciated.
I first came to the US on a tourist visa when I was 15 years old.
I was out of status when my parents couldn't act fast enough to change my status. However, I faithfully maintained my status once I reentered with a student visa.
So here is the history:
Dec. 1986: Enter the US on a tourist visa (age 15)
June 1987: Out of status from the tourist visa
Sept. 1996: IIRIRA 96 passes-- 3yr./10yr. reentry bars apply effective April 1, 1997
July 1997: Obtain I-20 for school, leave the US and return to home country (age 26)
Aug. 1997: Reenter US on a F-1 visa
Oct. 00: Initial H-1B
Oct. 03: H-1B extension
Dec.04: RIR filed (priority date)
Sept.06: RIR approved
Oct. 06: H-1B (7th year) extension
Jan. 07: I-140 filed (pending approval)
July 21, 2007: Preparing to file I-485 with the same employer since 2000
So here are my questions:
Q1. The way I interpret the law is that the 3yr./10yr. reentry bars apply when the law went into effect starting April 1997. Is that correct?
Q2. If so, would I have to worry about getting the I-485 approved?
Q3. If not, should I filed for I-485 at all?
Q4. Any suggestions or possiblities to consider?
Thank you.
07-23 03:43 PM
UPS says Delivered at 7.30am on 7/2/07 signed for by Hindera..
Although I dont know what the point of this thread is... as someone said, please keep all tracking to one thread or ..
Although I dont know what the point of this thread is... as someone said, please keep all tracking to one thread or ..
hot a lightning bolt forehead
02-11 01:40 PM
Last week my wife's I-485 got an RFE on Medical Examination and Photos. Why is that only my wife got it and not me the primary applicant? Any thoughts. I have read some time ago that if the Medical examinations are 1 year older at the time of application processing they would request for a new one, is that still true?
Looking for your replies.
Contributed $300 so far.
Call and ask them how can they do this huge mistake and they will issue one for you as well !
My older son got a cut on his right thumb yesterday and I was putting a bandage on it and my younger one came and said - " I want also a bandage. Why only him ? Why can't I have it ? " Would you pl answer him ?
Looking for your replies.
Contributed $300 so far.
Call and ask them how can they do this huge mistake and they will issue one for you as well !
My older son got a cut on his right thumb yesterday and I was putting a bandage on it and my younger one came and said - " I want also a bandage. Why only him ? Why can't I have it ? " Would you pl answer him ?
house and her new tattoo as she
11-15 05:22 PM
In California,
You need to be a credentailed teacher to get a H1B in most cases. For credentialing, you either need a B Ed from India or complete the teacher credentailing program in US. For the credentailing program, you will need to get your degree evaulated, pass the CSET exam or Praxis in some cases and finish the university requirement.
Pls PM me if you need more details.
You need to be a credentailed teacher to get a H1B in most cases. For credentialing, you either need a B Ed from India or complete the teacher credentailing program in US. For the credentailing program, you will need to get your degree evaulated, pass the CSET exam or Praxis in some cases and finish the university requirement.
Pls PM me if you need more details.
tattoo Lightning Bolt Lady Gaga
09-12 03:23 PM
Where do guys see the LUD? And what number do you call the USCIS on? Thanx.
Register in USCIS.gov and then enter the I140 info in your portfolio and you will see the LUD(last updated date)
and then press 12126
Register in USCIS.gov and then enter the I140 info in your portfolio and you will see the LUD(last updated date)
and then press 12126
pictures lightning bolt tattoos
09-30 05:27 PM
This is absolutely no-sense at all.
Texas, take about 2-3 months to approve 140 and 485. While Nebraska take about 4-5 months to approve only 140. This is not included 485 that back up from December 2, 2005.
You compare about 2-3 month processing time from one Center and another 1 year from another service center.
People there don't know how to do the mathematic or what, why keep sending everything to Nebraska still. Why don't transfer from the last person in Nebraska to Texas and have Texas start processing 485 in Queued.
We don't want people get process by Luck! or by paying more money and left other people behind.
What you think?!
Guys at Nebraska:
Don't complain; I am at Vermont, and it is by far the SLOWEST :(
It is processing I-485 from ND of June 21 2005 now!!!! Nebraska is processing I-485 of Nov 2005.
Does anybody have predictions :) for how dates will move at Vermont?
I wish there was premium procesing for 485.
Texas, take about 2-3 months to approve 140 and 485. While Nebraska take about 4-5 months to approve only 140. This is not included 485 that back up from December 2, 2005.
You compare about 2-3 month processing time from one Center and another 1 year from another service center.
People there don't know how to do the mathematic or what, why keep sending everything to Nebraska still. Why don't transfer from the last person in Nebraska to Texas and have Texas start processing 485 in Queued.
We don't want people get process by Luck! or by paying more money and left other people behind.
What you think?!
Guys at Nebraska:
Don't complain; I am at Vermont, and it is by far the SLOWEST :(
It is processing I-485 from ND of June 21 2005 now!!!! Nebraska is processing I-485 of Nov 2005.
Does anybody have predictions :) for how dates will move at Vermont?
I wish there was premium procesing for 485.
dresses a lightning bolt tattooed
04-05 04:01 PM
I hope you will in a day or two. mine also filled in first week of feb.
makeup lightning bolt tattoo. faded lightning bolt on my
02-16 01:41 PM
girlfriend quot;It#39;s a lightning bolt,

05-25 06:48 AM
hairstyles lightning bolt tattoos
03-09 01:30 PM
Right, one can own but not run a business with H1-B, but can own and run with EAD.
Thanks again!!!
Thanks again!!!
08-20 03:17 PM
If you applied for a change status (like H4 - H1) or change of employer (like H1 - H1) or extension of stay (like H4 extension or H1 extension), while in the US, the I-797 approval notice will have an I-94 card as long as you were not out of status prior to filing your application. However, if you were out of status, then you wouldn't get the I-94 along with your I-797 and you are still out of status. You will have to leave the country and get a visa stamped on your passport before entering the US again. If you have been out of status, there is always the risk of being denied a visa at the consulate.
05-18 11:09 PM
3 deportations at POE (EWR) till date this yr .
only offence was they all working in the midwest (Kansas) and their company was based in nj .. admins can we start tracking deportations and make this as a sticky
P.S I have not heard this from a friends friend .. i will give all the info to PAPPU or equivalent
Working in a different location is not an offense........Unless, the company did not file an LCA for the location of work. Did you mean to say the deportations were related to LCA violations?
only offence was they all working in the midwest (Kansas) and their company was based in nj .. admins can we start tracking deportations and make this as a sticky
P.S I have not heard this from a friends friend .. i will give all the info to PAPPU or equivalent
Working in a different location is not an offense........Unless, the company did not file an LCA for the location of work. Did you mean to say the deportations were related to LCA violations?
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